A Softer Style: Illustration Series for Dr. Chernoff

Usually going for bold, most of my images attempt to reduce all elements to their essentials— a form of minimalism. Working in the dental field for client Dr. Arnold Chernoff, DDS, the library of created visuals for his communications continues to grow, but always with a consistent stylistic approach that has evolved for a few years.

Professional dental illustrations portray solutions to patients, created by Liane Sebastian for Dr. Arnold Chernoff, Evanston, IL

Professional dental illustrations portray solutions to patients, created by Liane Sebastian for Dr. Arnold Chernoff, Evanston, IL

Most recently, I am doing a series to illustrate solutions for damaged teeth. With several series for website, blog, and social media, I have explored several styles. My touch on these new images is soft and light, not bold like most of my concepts, but just as graphic. I use techniques for directing focus through contrast and shading. Although they were created for various pages within Dr. Chernoff’s website, this is an opportunity to show the illustrations together.

Professional dental illustration to portray laser precision to patients, created by Liane Sebastian for Dr. Arnold Chernoff, Evanston, IL

Professional dental illustration to portray laser precision to patients, created by Liane Sebastian for Dr. Arnold Chernoff, Evanston, IL

Always loving to draw anatomy since childhood, drawing teeth that enhances more than a photography requires abstraction. Simplifying the forms, yet giving them some dimension, makes them visually distinctive. They are to represent ALL teeth, though there are no two sets alike.

In depicting the use of the laser in dentistry is to capture one of the forefronts in treatments. The task of the image is to make the instrument not look scary. (The laser actually increases precision and shortens treatment time.) By softening the visual style, this depiction expresses the gentleness the process deserves. As it is a new direction in dentistry, this visual approach is a new direction for me.

Professional dental illustration to portray denture options to patients, created by Liane Sebastian for Dr. Arnold Chernoff, Evanston, IL

Professional dental illustration to portray denture options to patients, created by Liane Sebastian for Dr. Arnold Chernoff, Evanston, IL

As the dentures page needed an illustration, I continued with this same style. Most photographs of this subject are hard to decipher how appliances fit. Partial dentures preserve existing teeth, but might be a stepping stone to full dentures later. Also, this illustration can be compared to the more preferable (but more expensive) solution of combining implants for a more functional, and permanent, application. This illustration pairs well with the next one.

Succinct illustration for Dr. Arnold Chernoff to explain options to patients who have damaged teeth. Before and After drawing approach by illustrator Liane Sebastian shows the solutions instantly.

Succinct illustration for Dr. Arnold Chernoff explains the options to patients who have damaged teeth. Before and After drawing approach by illustrator Liane Sebastian shows the solutions instantly.

Extending choices for missing teeth from the dentures illustration above, there is a range of options to repair damaged teeth. This illustration encapsulates the spectrum and how it is dependent on the extent of the tooth injury. One glance at this before-and-after-approach expresses choices instantly.

Visually this new direction is my favorite of the several series I’ve created for Dr. Chernoff. But, my favorite work is always my most recent. These illustrations, as part of a larger design concept, give Dr. Chernoff’s communications a uniqueness within his profession. His pages are explanatory and useful to patients, expressive of advances, and set to rest many misconceptions about dentistry today. The design for his graphics allow for distinction as well as evolution— always the sign of a good direction.

—Always inspired, Liane

Please see related articles for design and illustrations for Dr. Chernoff’s website:
Design from Inside Out by Liane Sebastian
Say More with Less by Liane Sebastian


Liane Sebastian wears an editor’s hat, designer’s coat, and artist’s shoes.

BLOG: http://www.publishingpioneer.wordpress.com

PORTFOLIO: https://lianesebastianillustration.wordpress.com/portfolio/

LINKEDIN: www.linkedin.com/in/lianesebastian

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Liane-Sebastian-Illustration-742565389187170/

EMAIL: lianesebastian9@gmail.com